




シャンティはこれまでに「絵本を届ける運動」を通じて、エリック・カールさんの大人気絵本『はらぺこあおむし』(訳:もりひさし、偕成社)『1,2,3どうぶつえんへ』(偕成社)『おほしさま かいて!』(訳:さのようこ、偕成社)など、12,574冊をアジアの子どもたちに届けてきました。




Saw TuTu





“It means so much to me that my books are enjoyed by readers in different countries around the world.

I am very grateful to the Shanti Volunteer Association for all that they do to make books available in different languages.

I hope readers of all ages will find comfort in my books and in any picture book they read together with their families and friends.

I hope the closeness of sharing books together, as well as the hopeful message of my stories will bring peace and beauty to all.”

-Eric Carle



シャンティ国際ボランティア会のみなさんが、さまざまな言語に翻訳され、子ども達に絵本を届けている活動を私は、とてもすばら しく尊いことだと感じています。

あ らゆる年齢のみなさんが私の絵本を読んで満ち足りた気持ちになり、家族や友達と一緒に絵本を楽しみながら読むことができるように願っています。







(偕成社 著者紹介より https://www.kaiseisha.co.jp/authors/13130 )

Message for an honorable author, late Mr. Eric Carle,

Mr. Eric Carle passed away on May 23rd 2021 at the age of 91. He is one of the most famous picture book authors, his “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” has been loved by a number of children around the world.

SVA has been delivering his picture books under the activity of “Campaign to Deliver Picture Books” for children, for insistence, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”tranlsated by Hisashi Mori, “1,2,3 To The Zoo”, “Draw Me a Star” tranlsated by Yoko Sano,published by KAISEI-SHA and so on. We have delivered 12,574 books to children in Asia.

His colorful and boldly composed works have been enjoyed for many years in SVA’s libraries in Asia, bringing exciting moments to children in difficult situations.

Message from the library user at the Refugee camp along Thai and Myanmar border.

“My favorite book is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. I love the little caterpillar the way he eat the different kinds of fruit and foods. I feel hungry and I want to eat everything that Caterpillar ate. Also very surprised me that Caterpillar become butterfly and fly away. Thank you so much for the beautiful books. You will be always with us especially your beautiful picture books in the library.
(11years old, boy)
Saw TuTu

He talked about his policy as a picture book author in life;

“I would like to convey this message as a positive one, overcoming the fear of encountering the unknown. I believe that children are born with the desire to learn freely. I want to show them that learning can be really fascinating and fun.”

He had also been a long-time supporter of SVA’s activities.

When SVA published “I’m 10 years old, and I grew up without a book. 270,000 Books Delivered to Children in Asia” by Godo-Shuppan in 2017, he sent us the following message.

“It means so much to me that my books are enjoyed by readers in different countries around the world.
I am very grateful to the Shanti Volunteer Association for all that they do to make books available in different languages.
I hope readers of all ages will find comfort in my books and in any picture book they read together with their families and friends.
I hope the closeness of sharing books together, as well as the hopeful message of my stories will bring peace and beauty to all.”
-Eric Carle

SVA will continue to deliver the message that Mr. Eric Carle put into his picture books to children through the “Campaign to Deliver Picture Books.

All of us at SVA pray for the repose of his soul. May he rest in peace.

【Profile of Mr. Eric Carle】
Born in New York State, USA in 1929, he grew up in Germany. After working as a graphic designer, he published “1, 2, 3 To The Zoo” in 1968, which won the Graphic Grand Prize at the Bologna International Children’s Book Fair. Since then, he has continued to create picture books as a world-renowned author. Her representative works are “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, “Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me “,”The Very Quiet Cricket”. He won the Laura Ingalls Wilder Prize in 2003.
(URL: https://www.kaiseisha.co.jp/authors/13130 )
