What We Do
- What We Do
Overview of Our Activities
Required books and teaching materials
There is a lack of books in local languages in conflict zones where ethnic minorities live. So we publish books and teaching materials for them.
People who can teach
SVA puts value on establishing a lifelong learning system, collaborating with local government and community.
Learning in peace
The local community monitors the construction and maintains the building.
With the local community, we build places where children learn safely.
With the local community, we build places where children learn safely.
Access to learning activities
Still, many people have never been to school nor seen picture books.
Around the world, we find many children who have never seen the book or even their own written language due to situations they find themselves in, such as war, poverty, disasters, etc. There are also children who don’t even have time to play. Since 1981 when SVA launched its assistance activity, it has been running book-based educational and cultural support activities that help such children.
The promotion of reading is the foundation of our activities;
in our target areas, we create environments where children can read safely.
SVA’s Humanitarian Response
To protect the educational opportunities of children even in the aftermath of disasters, we perform educational support activities.