
The demand for educational aid is increasing as the civil war has been long-lasting. We are working on school construction, library improvement, and reading promotion projects.

What We Do

We’re working on reading promotion and improving school environment projects.

Improving Monastic and Public School Project

In Myanmar, aside from public schools, there are completely cost-free schools called monastic schools. The curriculum and school system conform to those of the public schools run by the Ministry of Education, and many children from economically disadvantaged households attend them. Public school education has also become free, allowing more children to attend school.
However, both monastic and public schools need to be renovated due to the deterioration of school buildings and a shortage of classrooms.
We implement a school construction program, set up book sections, distribute books, and provide teaching staff with training.

Reading Promotion Project for Primary Schools

In Myanmar, where memorization-focused education has been the norm, large-scale educational reforms are currently underway, and the transition to child-centered education is moving forward.
For children to gain 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, which the reforms are aiming to achieve, we set up school libraries and provide training on utilizing children’s books and libraries.

Improving Children’s Book Publication Project

According to Myanmar’s Ministry of Information, there were only 82 children’s books out of 8,000 books (including magazines and comics) that were published in 2011. Although some books have comics and frontispieces, there are only a limited number of high-quality picture books.
To provide children with good-quality picture books, we have established the Children Book Publication Committee together with local writers, illustrators, and editors to publish picture books and paper theaters (KAMISHIBAI). Published picture books are distributed to public libraries and schools. We also work on human resource development by providing training in picture book publishing by experts.

Activities So Far

SVA develops projects by making use of its experience in reading promotion and library activities that it has accumulated in other countries since 2014.

Non-formal Education Project
It is estimated that about half of Myanmar’s elementary school children drop out and more than 580,000 elementary school-aged children have never been to school.
Public Library Improvement Project
Myanmar has the National Diet Library, university libraries, public libraries, and community-operated village libraries. Although public libraries are meant to provide child activity services, librarians are not trained for the service, and the number of children’s books is very limited.
Project for Resettlement of Returnees through Community Resource Center (CRC)
After the democratization in Myanmar, refugees who fled to the Thai border had gradually started to return to Myanmar. Myanmar’s government was providing returnees and local residents in hosting areas and its neighborhood with support for reconstruction and resettlement, centering on the development of basic infrastructure such as housing.
However, it was difficult for the returnees to gain the necessary information to start a new life, and the local residents in host areas also had difficulties accessing the information about the support from outside and about the returnees.


Non-formal Education Project

It is estimated that about half of Myanmar’s elementary school children drop out and more than 580,000 elementary school-aged children have never been to school. Young people and adults who have not finished elementary school education are socially disadvantaged.
We provided life skills education, supported the operation of non-formal elementary schools (night elementary schools), supplied teaching materials and books to local resource centers, provided Buddhist education, community beautification activities, and support for conducting training until 2017.

Public Library Improvement Project

Myanmar has the National Diet Library, university libraries, public libraries, and community-operated village libraries. Although public libraries are meant to provide child activity services, librarians are not trained for the service, and the number of children’s books is very limited.
We improved children’s book sections, carried out mobile library activity using motorbikes, and provided librarians with the training until 2017.

Project for Resettlement of Returnees through Community Resource Center (CRC)

After the democratization in Myanmar, refugees who fled to the Thai border had gradually started to return to Myanmar. Myanmar’s government was providing returnees and local residents in hosting areas and its neighborhood with support for reconstruction and resettlement, centering on the development of basic infrastructure such as housing.
However, it was difficult for the returnees to gain the necessary information to start a new life, and the local residents in host areas also had difficulties accessing the information about the support from outside and about the returnees.
Aiming at solving the challenges the communities were facing, we built CRC buildings and shared the information and knowledge through CRC until July 2021.